Investor info

Property Owners

Landlords – Are you tired of over spending on repairs and chasing tenants for rent checks?  Hire Hawthorne Oakmont to take care of your rentals. We provide full service property management for your investments.  We take care of all tenant screening, leasing & relations. Because of our mass volume with our tradesmen & service techs we are able pass on those savings to you when it comes to repairs on your properties.  This keeps your overall yearly repair costs down and insures you get premium ROI on your investments. In the event we have to serve evictions we will make sure the negligent tenant is vacated swiftly returning you back to profits as soon as possible.  In the event a tenant causes any damage to your property outside of normal wear and tear they will face the full force of our legal team. Call our sales department today and we will do a free market analysis of your property and provide you with a report on how to increase your ROI with Hawthorne Oakmont.

Sell your house – Why wait months or years to sell your house.  If you are looking to retire from land lording or you inherited a property you don’t want or can’t afford call us.  If your house or multifamily rental property is in distress or needs repairs you can’t make call us now. We buy houses in most case any condition.  Roof, foundation, mold, fire damaged houses no problem. Because of our high volume of purchases in the metro area we are able to pay more than most real-estate development companies.   Call or e-mail our sales department today for a free estimate. If you like what you hear we pay cash and can close in as little as 10 days

Rent to own – If you want to get maximum dollars for your property consider rent to own.  Let our sales staff show you how we can increase your profit margins on selling your property with our rent to own program.  We take care of all legal work, tenant/buyer screening & work hand in hand with the title company to make sure you and your buyer have a seamless transaction.  Our rent to own clients see on average 10% more on sales price. For more information on our rent to own program and how we can increase your ROI call or e-mail our sales department today.

INFO 816-325-3098